So far the only noises I hear, other than the wind blowing and the occasional jet is the ticking of a clock and the soft murmur of the water heater... It's a pretty nice cabin, small and cozy, done up in typical cabin attire – old couches and recliners, a nice fridge, a bunch of bunks in the lean-to and a comfy bed in the loft. The linoleum is a trip and there are random books scattered just about everywhere... I snagged a copy of Charolette's Web for tonights reading. Since I have let everyone know I'm here I just shut down my phone... It's gonna be a bit lonely here tonight but a very welcome reprieve from the generalized busyness of life.
On my drive up I managed to get through to the Book of Romans... It made for a pretty interesting drive, to say the least. I experienced my first Meijers store tonight – reminds me of a Super Target. Apparently it's a must visit up here in the big mitten. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow and seeing some sights and going to refill the almost empty propane tank.. The temperature outside is currently hovering around 34ish. It's 60 in here but I sleep like a log when it's cold. Good thing I brought a LOT of blankets.
One thing that struck me on the drive up was the parable of the prodigal son. I felt for the good son, the son who stayed and obeyed his father. I totally understand his being ticked that there was a party being thrown for his brother... I mean, he's stuck around, helped out around the place and hasn't ever gotten a party thrown for him. Then his bro happens back after wasting his entire inheritance on liquor, women and parties. Instead of getting what he deserves, he gets a party thrown. It's not fair. Then I thought about a section from Craig Groeschel's book: Confessions of a Pastor.
"God is just – no doubt about it – but He's not fair. And there is a difference. If God were fair I'd get what my sins deserve. I praise Him that He's not fair. Because He's just, when someone sins, someone must die. But in His mercy, Jesus paid the price for my sin by shedding His own, Innocent blood, giving up the life He fully deserved to keep. God is just, but He's not fair. If He were fair, I'd have to suffer... forever. Psalm 103:10,12 describes God's unfairness: “He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities... as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”"
Was it fair that the undependable son got his mere return celebrated? No, it wasn't fair at all. It's also not fair that I get to go to Heaven while Jesus had to go to the cross. I too, “praise Him that He's not fair.”6
I'm actively shivering now, so I think I'm gonna go grab the propane tank and bring 'er indoors... Then I believe I'll head to bed for the evening so I can get up uber-early in the AM. Peace be with you!
(It's definitely less lonely with the propane heater going... Not to mention warmer!)
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