This isn't going to be a typical vacation. Earlier in the year I began to feel that I was too connected - too plugged in, on-line, tethered to my blackberry, my facebook, my twitter and my email. My life is constantly bombarded by white noise. The same noise you hear when you're between channels. The noise that drowns out that still, small voice you're supposed to be listening for.
So I decided to take a vacation. I'm headed to a good friends family cabin for three days. Three days during which my phone will be off. Off and in the car.

So now for the rules.
1) No internet for three days. Period. I'll still be blogging but they won't get posted until Thursday. Yes, this means FB, email and everything.
2) No cellphone. Period. It'll be off and in the car.
3) No radio in the car on the way to the cabin. It's the NIV audio bible (New Testament) instead.
4) I'm gonna write at least one blog a day while I'm there.
So those are the rules. I've got a camera

So far, the vacations going well. I'm at my sister's hanging with my cat, Ohm. He decided to give me some kitty love so we're cuddled on the couch where he's putting me to sleep with the sound of his purrs... Night all!
I'll be back on Thursday!
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